Civic Monuments

Granite Colours

Red GraniteBlackCarnelianCharcoalGreyPink

West Coast Monuments Inc. has built and supplied civic monuments and war memorials across Canada from BC to Saskatchewan.

Kelowna Cenotaph
Winning  Kelowna Cenotaph design-standing 18ft high. West Coast Monuments was chosen out of 20 monument companies from across North America to design and build this cenotaph.
Lions Park Cenotaph
Lions Park Cenotaph in Rutland, BC

Donation wall Penticton BC
Donation wall Penticton BC. Plaques by West Coast Monuments Inc.

Terry Fox MemorialMile Zero

Granite base built for the Terry Fox Memorial located at Mile 0 in Victoria BC. Built for Nathan Scott of Living Stone Studios.

Marking our PastMarking our Past

125 grave markers supplied to The City of Kelowna for their Centennial Celebration “Marking our Past” Program. This program placed third for an International Keeping it Personal Award “KIP”.

Navy Marine 100Navy Marine 100

West Coast Monuments provided granite and engraving for the Canadian Navy “Homecoming Statue” Project at Victoria’s inner harbour.